
Wiki Article

The name Carlos is my middle name, and I have a very embarrassing story behind it. My name as a child was unoriginal and boring. As such, I called myself Samantha. The teacher asked me to spell "Leatrice" in the third grade. I raised my hand proudly, only to find out that the teacher was calling for someone else. I was very embarrassed by my mistaken claim of the name and address of another student. I eventually came to accept and even love my moniker. My real name, no mater how common it might be, will always have been Marcellus. So if I do ever appear to be introducing myself as Samantha and another fake alter ego it is a joke. Though it was a difficult lesson to learn, at least it's a good story. I hope this helps you to get a better idea of me. We appreciate you taking the time to read it.

Movie blogs

Creatures of the Night that are Gross
E.T. "E.T." Movie Site
Great but Forgotten
The Solar System Film Library
Old School Films
It's Show Time

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